WB skins from LightStar Technologies!

I need to do this, no matter what (he may not like my doing this due to pride).

A well known member of this skinning community in the recent past needs lots of help from wherever he can get it. He is about to lose his car that he uses to make money driving for Uber and Lyft (because it has broke down and he cannot afford to get it fixed). He is about to lose his computer that he desperately needs to earn money doing graphics designs for various music companies (but they only pay him peanuts). He needs to pay rent, pay a car payment on a car he cannot even drive safely, pay utilities, etc. Not to mention food.

I have been helping him, along with many others, for many years, and he is trying desperately, but he also has a disease that leaves him in debilitating pain quite often, and he cannot even get pain medication. I am no longer able to help him out financially, and I am very saddened.

He is married and his wife works, but only for 20 hours a week (all she can get, and she doesn't drive a car).

Their rent is a ridiculous amount (due to typical greed I imagine), but they cannot afford to move.

They will be without a home and on the street with absolutely nothing very soon.

If you care and want to help them out, please PM me and I will let you know who this person is and where you can send help to. This is not a joke, I am not kidding and other members of this community can attest to that.

I hope you all have a blessed holiday season. Thanks.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 23, 2017

Tom, this is a good thing to do. He can get mad if he wants. I'll help some, but gotta get past the holiday first.


I may be able to help on the 29th.   Praying for you know who. Will continue.


on Dec 23, 2017

Wish I could help, but I'm in the same boat...reaching up to touch bottom. Best I could do is I have a spare room.

on Dec 23, 2017


Wish I could help, but I]'m the same boat...reaching up to touch bottom. Best I could do is I have a spare room.

I know your situation too, I know you can't help, but I appreciate your responding.

on Dec 23, 2017

Oops, somehow got the above post quoted and reapplied.   

on Dec 24, 2017

I wish I could help, Tom...but just moved, and I'm tapped out.


on Dec 24, 2017

This really sucks. I can offer my support through the forums but financially I'm hurting, medical bills and such. After the holidays things may change. Thoughts and prayers to you know who.  

on Dec 24, 2017

Thanks Doc and Ross for your at least responding, I understand and may you both have a blessed holiday season.

on Dec 24, 2017

Many of us are in the same situation with financial issues for one reason or other. Doesn't mean by not responding that people don't care. We all wish we could offer some help.

on Dec 24, 2017

This is the 7th or 8th year my social security check went to medicare which means I didn't get a raise again.

on Dec 24, 2017

Thanks for the comments Hankers and WOM. I know what you mean on the Social Security WOM, I got a $25.00 raise, and then they raised Medicare $25.00, so I got nothing. Frickin gov't!   

on Dec 24, 2017


Many of us are in the same situation with financial issues for one reason or other. Doesn't mean by not responding that people don't care. We all wish we could offer some help.

on Dec 24, 2017

Thanks for caring Barb.   

on Dec 25, 2017

Tom, do you still live by the river? I'll stop by the next time I'm in Peru to give you a few bucks.

on Dec 25, 2017

Yes, still by the river John. But it is not me needing the help. I can get it to them though, thanks for caring. Did not know you moved out of Peru.   

on Dec 25, 2017

Tom, could you please PM me?..... I'm chockers and can't send...only return a PM atm......

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