WB skins from LightStar Technologies!

I need to do this, no matter what (he may not like my doing this due to pride).

A well known member of this skinning community in the recent past needs lots of help from wherever he can get it. He is about to lose his car that he uses to make money driving for Uber and Lyft (because it has broke down and he cannot afford to get it fixed). He is about to lose his computer that he desperately needs to earn money doing graphics designs for various music companies (but they only pay him peanuts). He needs to pay rent, pay a car payment on a car he cannot even drive safely, pay utilities, etc. Not to mention food.

I have been helping him, along with many others, for many years, and he is trying desperately, but he also has a disease that leaves him in debilitating pain quite often, and he cannot even get pain medication. I am no longer able to help him out financially, and I am very saddened.

He is married and his wife works, but only for 20 hours a week (all she can get, and she doesn't drive a car).

Their rent is a ridiculous amount (due to typical greed I imagine), but they cannot afford to move.

They will be without a home and on the street with absolutely nothing very soon.

If you care and want to help them out, please PM me and I will let you know who this person is and where you can send help to. This is not a joke, I am not kidding and other members of this community can attest to that.

I hope you all have a blessed holiday season. Thanks.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jan 10, 2018

Sorry for being very late on this. Were having some difficulties with life. Could someone PM me his paypal email address. Might have some fund available soon. Thanks

on Jan 10, 2018

Thankyou..Thankyou Thankyou..Thankyou Thankyou..Thankyou Thankyou..Thankyou Thankyou..Thankyou...

Good grief I cannot say thanks enough to you guys who have sent help to us.. as much as i want to scream your names,  Im pretty sure you probably would prefer I didn't so I will just again, say thankyou and hope that I can sincerely express what this has meant to me, and my family.

Additionally, I want you all to know that every cent, dollar, etc is going to either a bill, a repair, or medicine.

I feel like George Bailey at the end of 'It's a Wonderful Life'.... im pretty sure everyone can relate to that...

Merry Christmas WB Library! Merry Christmas, Stardock!.... Merrrry Christmas you wonderful old WIncustomize community!"

Hope i can  in someway repay each of you in some way, at some point. Thanks so much!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!

on Jan 10, 2018


Hope i can  in someway repay each of you in some way, at some point

Your contributions to skinning does that already...

on Jan 10, 2018

Quoting vStyler,

Hope i can  in someway repay each of you in some way, at some point

Your contributions to skinning does that already...


Couldn't have said it any better than that!


Gordo, my thoughts are with you. Thank you for all you have done for me.



on Jan 10, 2018

It's posts like this that makes one realize how truly lucky you are.  I recently got a promotion when I thought I was retiring in a year.  I would like to send a check if someone will PM me an address. 

on Jan 10, 2018


It's posts like this that makes one realize how truly lucky you are.  I recently got a promotion when I thought I was retiring in a year.  I would like to send a check if someone will PM me an address. 
PM Lightstar.

on Jan 13, 2018



Thing is, if I knew of somebody here in Aus with a working Aussie bank account and Paypal, hint, hint, maybe I could transfer the funds to them [$20 or $30or so] and it could be forwarded to vStyler that way. If you're up for that, Syd, please PM me and we can organise something between us.

Done and dusted!....    


Thanks Starkers....        ...and Mrs S.  




Happy Birthday  V....     





on Jan 13, 2018

V,. It's not about repay. It's about closing each step until they are all closed. Hoping for you to get better and you and the wife get back on solid ground again.

One day forward at a time my friend and don't look at yesterday as it's gone forever. 

on Jan 13, 2018

Hah! The big 50! HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend!   

on Jan 13, 2018


Hah! The big 50! HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend!

What, only 50?   You're still a youngster, John.... a spring chicken, if you like.      

Anyhow, old sport, here's wishing you a happy birthday and better tidings ahead.      

on Jan 13, 2018

Why is more help not coming from Australia's social welfare dept's . There are also numerous charities services as well , including citizens advice bureau . If a move is required to cheaper accommodation there is a crisis benefit available

on Jan 13, 2018


Why is more help not coming from Australia's social welfare dept's

cause there's a catch...    v is in Florida.....   

on Jan 13, 2018


Quoting scorpNZ,

Why is more help not coming from Australia's social welfare dept's

cause there's a catch...    v is in Florida.....   

Ya beat me to it!   Besides, Aus social welfare has been decimated by our 'wonderful' PM.  I know of people struggling to survive on less than $500 per fortnight and are homeless because they cannot afford to pay rent AND utilities AND food, etc, etc.

And no, I'm not making a political statement here.  Rather it is a comment on how the most vulnerable of our society have been reduced to living well below the poverty line due to massive cuts in welfare spending.

Anyway, enough of that, it's depressing.

So v, how was your birthday?   Hopefully somebody baked you a cake and people in attendance sang the traditional birthday song.

on Jan 24, 2018

Again... i cannot thank everyone for their kindness and uber generosity. We have caught up a lot of our bills and are looking much better for the new year, It's hard to put into words how appreciative I am to those of you who have gone out of your way to help us but please know, I appreciate each and everyone of you who have helped us get thru a tough time. I am humbled.

Also, thanks for the birthday greets!... yes yes, V is now 50, an old man!!!



on Jan 24, 2018


Also, thanks for the birthday greets!... yes yes, V is now 50, an old man!!!

Bo Who. DaveBax is about to be 73. so feel young Mr. V

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