WB skins from LightStar Technologies!

I need to do this, no matter what (he may not like my doing this due to pride).

A well known member of this skinning community in the recent past needs lots of help from wherever he can get it. He is about to lose his car that he uses to make money driving for Uber and Lyft (because it has broke down and he cannot afford to get it fixed). He is about to lose his computer that he desperately needs to earn money doing graphics designs for various music companies (but they only pay him peanuts). He needs to pay rent, pay a car payment on a car he cannot even drive safely, pay utilities, etc. Not to mention food.

I have been helping him, along with many others, for many years, and he is trying desperately, but he also has a disease that leaves him in debilitating pain quite often, and he cannot even get pain medication. I am no longer able to help him out financially, and I am very saddened.

He is married and his wife works, but only for 20 hours a week (all she can get, and she doesn't drive a car).

Their rent is a ridiculous amount (due to typical greed I imagine), but they cannot afford to move.

They will be without a home and on the street with absolutely nothing very soon.

If you care and want to help them out, please PM me and I will let you know who this person is and where you can send help to. This is not a joke, I am not kidding and other members of this community can attest to that.

I hope you all have a blessed holiday season. Thanks.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 25, 2017

PM sent Syd.   

on Dec 25, 2017

Tom, I know you're not the one in need. I think I know who it is though. I'll get with you the next time I'm in Peru. Hopefully, you'll be home.

on Dec 25, 2017


Tom, I know you're not the one in need. I think I know who it is though. I'll get with you the next time I'm in Peru. Hopefully, you'll be home.

Ok John, thanks. I am usually always home. I'll PM you my number too.

on Dec 30, 2017

To those who assisted this member, or even offered support in this thread, I personally thank you very much. Hope everyone had great Christmas and will have a Happy New Year!   

on Jan 02, 2018

I wanted to come and express my gratitude to those of you who went out of your way to help me and my wife via this post..

Funny, that the people who u would least expect assistance from.... are sometimes the ones that have the most kindness and generosity in their hearts..

You know who you are, no need to name names.. but know, I do appreciate it from the bottom of my heart 

Things are pretty bad for me right now, but as long as I have air in my lungs I will continue to fight on  in my work and my health and my life.

Thanks everyone for you have done for me now and in the past and I wish you all a prosperous and joy filled 2018



on Jan 02, 2018

Glad you said thanks John.

on Jan 02, 2018


but as long as I have air in my lungs

As long as it keeps going in and out.....just 'having it' isn't enough, you know...

on Jan 02, 2018

If someone will send me an address.........I will send a $100.00 check.  Thanks.....Geno

on Jan 02, 2018


If someone will send me an address.........I will send a $100.00 check.  Thanks.....Geno

Just sent a Private Message with his information gpensanti, and thank you for your kindness.

on Jan 02, 2018


Things are pretty bad for me right now, but as long as I have air in my lungs I will continue to fight on in my work and my health and my life.

That's the spirit, John, never say die or give up.  I've been in dire circumstances myself, both health-wise and financially, so I know what it's like to be desperate and like ther's no light at the end of the tunnel.  It's not easy dragging yourself back up, but with the fighting spirit, the help and generosity of other it can be done. 

Now I would have sent something by the way of cash, but from past experience when sending money to other US members, the intended recipient gets very little of the original sum once fees, charges and tax are deducted.... hence it isn't really viable. 

I once sent AU$50.00, and when the recipient went to the bank to collect, they only got US$15,20.  The majority was swallowed up by the conversion rate, bank fees and taxes, and if I were to send you AU$20.00, I just don't see it helping you much at all.  You'd likely only get about US$5.00 or so, which hardly seems worth it.

Anyway, John, here's hoping that you have a much better 2018 and that things will soon start looking up for you and your family.  Keep yer chin up, okay!


on Jan 02, 2018

Starkers.....sending via PayPal to a friend/family overseas choosing from your bank account, not a credit or debit card, and designating how much you want to be received in US$ at the other end, should see it get there intact.... something like Western Union is another story in my experience.... you just need his email address and it's easy peasy.....

on Jan 03, 2018


Starkers.....sending via PayPal to a friend/family overseas choosing from your bank account, not a credit or debit card, and designating how much you want to be received in US$ at the other end, should see it get there intact.... something like Western Union is another story in my experience.... you just need his email address and it's easy peasy.....

Unfortunately, I don't have a Paypal account and I've been unable to create another since my email got hacked, along with some other weird crap regarding my account.  I created a new email address since then, but the Paypal registration process will not allow me to complete a new application since I'm already on record under a different email address and have past security issues.  I emailed them time and time again to have the matter resolved, but I got nowhere and in the end gave up.

As for Western Union, well they can piss off.  It was going to cost me AU$29.50 to send somebody AU$20.00.  In other words it was going to cost me 50 bucks to send 20.  Not fechen likely!  The greed of bankers is without rival.

Anyway, enough of that now, it gets my dander up.  Thing is, if I knew of somebody here in Aus with a working Aussie bank account and Paypal, hint, hint, maybe I could transfer the funds to them [$20 or $30or so] and it could be forwarded to vStyler that way. If you're up for that, Syd, please PM me and we can organise something between us.  What do you reckon?  I know it's not a lot, but I already went over budget on a PC rebuild before I saw this thread and have not a lot in the way of savings left.  However, every penny counts, and to help a fellow member in need, I'll do what I can.

on Jan 03, 2018

Yeah... Western Union is daylight robbery....

not very flexible of PayPal ...you'd think they'd want to sort the account out....

could you PM me Starkers.....    

on Jan 03, 2018

From personal experience this setback is only temporary. I've been there without a penny to my name or even a roof over my head. But I didn't give up, never give up. I'm still strapped financially somewhat but I can pay my rent and bills and have a little bit left over for a new project. The work you do and the attention to detail I have admired from day one. Hang in there John and have a blessed new year. 

on Jan 03, 2018


Yeah... Western Union is daylight robbery....

not very flexible of PayPal ...you'd think they'd want to sort the account out...

I will never ever use Western Union for that very reason.... legalised theft.

As for Paypal, well I don't know.  Microsoft closed my previous email address due to it being hacked and thousands of malicious emails being sent from it, and after that I was unable to use my Paypal account.  Now Paypal was advised of the issue and why Microsoft closed my account, but I could never complete the online re-registration process and my 'please help' emails went nowhere.  Oh well, it's not like I really need it.  If an online seller has Paypal as the only meant of payment I just go elsewhere.


could you PM me Starkers.....

Yup, shall do shortly.   I have a couple of things to do and I want to make myself a fresh cuppa.... tea.   

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