My good friend Jim (RedneckDude) found out today that he has been diagnosed with an Aortic Aneurysm. Please send him love and prayers in this post, he definitely has mine!
It's cause its embarrassed by what's growing on it.
LMAO. Evil BDBF...that just ain't right.
Don't listen to him, Jim.
Love you RedneckDude.
Yeah, yeah.....
My sputum culture is growing e-coli. WTF?
Bacteremic Escherichia coli pneumonia?
"Bacteremic" would mean that E. coli, a germ which populates, (along with many, many others) our large intestine, is growing from a blood culture. Were that true, you'd be sicker than sh*t (good pun, eh?). You meant "bacterial".
I also kind of doubt your pneumonia was caused by E. coli. Most likely it's living in your mouth and throat along with many other germs and when you gave the sputum specimen, it was a casual contaminent. Just because it was in your sputum/saliva doesn't mean it caused your pneumonia, necessarily. Use a pleasant tasting, non-alcohol based mouth wash, and don't happy. Even if it was an E. coli pnumonia, you're over it.
Btw, your bill will arrive at the end of the month.
Stuff that.....if ya gotta drink it it may as well have alcohol in it...
"Slab of Listerine to go, mate!"
It's a rinse...Listerine Collins? Listerita?
Sort of like a Phillips screwdriver: Vodka with Milk of Magnesia.
Damn Jim, Sorry to hear this, You have been my mentor for a very long time, Your friendship has been invaluable. Keep the fight inside!
Damn. Bessie never told me about no mouth washin stuff. won't eliminate it completely, but it will thin things out if that's of any consequence.
That shit's funny right there!!
Good one!
Guys, I'm about 98% back to good. (I almost said normal)
Still no results from the CT scan.
Here ya go. A "Do it yourself CAT scan interpreter".
Not sure where the CAT is, but at least it cuts the waiting time: "There's a nap for that."
The other 2% is just because you're a few weeks older than you were when this all started...