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My good friend Jim (RedneckDude) found out today that he has been diagnosed with an Aortic Aneurysm. Please send him love and prayers in this post, he definitely has mine! 

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on Jul 10, 2022

Good luck and may God be with you. 

on Jul 10, 2022

Can't offer specific medical advice but if it were me, consultation with a cardiothoracic surgeon should be arranged soon.  There's enlargement (ectasia) and then there's aneurysm.  Matter of degree but the distinction is important.  Wishing all the best for you.

on Jul 10, 2022

There's enlargement (ectasia) and then there's aneurysm.  Matter of degree but the distinction is important.

Exactly, and a Cardiothoracic surgeon is the right step, along with imaging.

on Jul 10, 2022

I pray God have Grace and Mercy for Jim's situation. Thanks.

on Jul 11, 2022

Hoping for the best for you ...

on Jul 11, 2022

Hoping and praying for the best Jim!!

on Jul 11, 2022

Seeing my PCP at 9 am tomorrow, he will send me to a cardiologist.  We shall see.  As for the swab testing/panel, labs tested negative for everything, yet I am sick for 3 weeks.

Go figure.

on Jul 12, 2022

Guys, I'm having an ultrasound this afternoon to look at the aorta.


Steroids, inhaler, etc, etc.   Human Parainfluenza is the diagnosis on the lung infection.

on Jul 12, 2022


Human Parainfluenza is the diagnosis on the lung infection.

Human? Sure it wasn't Simian, Red?

on Jul 12, 2022

you have my prayers.

on Jul 13, 2022

Ok, they don't think it's an aneurysm, but there is a definite bulge.  CT scan on Tuesday to look closer.

on Jul 14, 2022


Ok, they don't think it's an aneurysm, but there is a definite bulge.  CT scan on Tuesday to look closer.

There ya go. Ectasia (a widening, but less than an aneurysm), or maybe just a simple bulge (like your tummy ). Tests can yield true, or false information. All tests have their limitations, as do their interpretations. CT should yield definitive information in this setting. 

By the way, have they discovered why your neck's red?

on Jul 14, 2022


By the way, have they discovered why your neck's red?
This common condition has the rather intimidating name of Poikiloderma of Civatte.  It is named for Achille Civatte, the French dermatologist who first described it in 1923. However, it is usually simply called “redness of the neck”

on Jul 14, 2022


Quoting DrJBHL,

By the way, have they discovered why your neck's red?

This common condition has the rather intimidating name of Poikiloderma of Civatte.  It is named for Achille Civatte, the French dermatologist who first described it in 1923. However, it is usually simply called “redness of the neck”


on Jul 14, 2022


“redness of the neck”


So...that was Achille's heel err...neck?   


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