WB skins from LightStar Technologies!

Now they are really going too far!


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 16, 2012

Man, I have an impending sense of foreboding that MS is going to cram this down our throats as fast as they can by eliminating as many other alternatives as possible.

Between Linux and Windows 8, I'd handily pick Linux now.

on Jun 16, 2012

Good for the people that don't know what an OS is, bad for the rest of us.

on Jun 16, 2012

I've always wanted to downgrade my desktop workstation to a less powerful tablet that can't run third party software.  It's like a dream come true.

on Jun 16, 2012

Tom, I guess you missed my  http://drjbhl.joeuser.com/article/412982/Windows_8_OEM_Wont_Allow_Other_OSs_to_Boot

But, after W8 comes out, The "Transformer AiO" is coming out... W8/Linux - boots to 8, but you press a button and *poof, Linux.

Check it out here:  http://drjbhl.joeuser.com/article/426278/Asus_Transformer_AiO_-_A_dual_boot_184_Tablet  - that's just a prototype, but...

on Jun 16, 2012

Yeah, I guessed I missed that post Doc, but it does not matter as I will never be installing Windows 8. I just think that forcing a user to use an OS based on hardware (even if it can be disabled) is the most disgusting thing I ever heard of. Nothing gives Microsoft the right to even ask vendors to do that, absolutely NOTHING!  Almost makes me want to get rid of everything Microsoft on my PC's and switch to Ubuntu or something. I am that pissed off.

on Jun 16, 2012

So Microsoft is using their position in the current market place to put a choke hold on a user's freedom in the name of "their security"?  Sounds like a desperate attempt to scare people into doing what's best for Microsoft.


Why are the other manufacturing giants fallen in line with this?

on Jun 16, 2012


MS sells the OS and certain keys to allow certain modifications. The OEM's are told "If you go beyond Windows 8 boot only" you lose the "MS Certified stcker"

Consumers are marketed the "Microsoft Certified" sticker: "Our laptop/desktop is MS Certified but company X's isn't."

What do most consumers know? They just want a warranty/guarantee for something they don't understand. Most use email, Google, word processing, simple presentations, facebook. You think they want or need Linux. They probably think it's a "Peanuts" character.

The sticker is more of a totem than anything else... to ward off evil vampire viruses.


on Jun 17, 2012

I am not worried,

It took years for mainstream users to switch from XP to Win7.... there is absolutely no way they will be interested in Win8.

I also see most of my comrades from MS .net development jumping ship to do cross platform development.

MS also made a major error in thinking they can defeat Apple's inertia in the table market.

This is what I am seeing in my circles

-Business professionals who need desktop software -> Already have windows 7 now (They are not even considering Windows 8 for any other reason that Win7 does what they need. Most skipped Vista and went from 2000/xp to Win7 and will remain there for at least 4 years)

-Media consumers -> Already have an iPad (most) / Android (less) and have no need for, or interest in a Win8 Tablet.

-Freelance developers (like me) are switching to cross platform toolkits, because they can't make money on anything but iOS / Android (this demographic is growing rapidly as more corporations toss their dedicated developers into the streets)

-Techophiles: Of the people who really don't have a reason to get upgrades other then they like being cutting edge... I think it is about a 10 to 1 ratio of hatred / like for Windows 8 from what I am seeing.

I've been pointing these people to PC BSD and they are all distracted by it, probably enough that they won't put up with all the bullcrap built into Windows 8.

It's kind of sad really, because I was really looking forward to the MS store, but I confess I loathe windows 8, and am classifying it in the same category as Millennium... basically it's a hairbrained attempt at a "do everything" OS that is going to ruin MS.

on Jun 21, 2012

Good lord people!

THIS WAS NOT DESIGNED BY MICROSOFT.  They are using an EXISTING security chain in UEFI to do this.  They are not blocking out Linux by making their OS more secure.  You should be able to disable UEFI Secure Boot on any machine (depending on the OEM) to install Linux.

Making MS out to be the bad guy because they're using something already available to computers is retarded.

on Jun 21, 2012

Not talking about installing Linux, talking about having XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 on the same PC, which they are saying cannot happen.

on Jun 21, 2012

... I just think that forcing a user to use an OS based on hardware (even if it can be disabled) is the most disgusting thing I ever heard of...


Not an Apple fan either then I take it 

on Jun 21, 2012

You should be able to disable UEFI Secure Boot on any machine (depending on the OEM) to install Linux.

Making MS out to be the bad guy because they're using something already available to computers is retarded.

Savyg, the "MS Certified" sticker was designed by MS. It is used by the OEM's as a marketing badge.

It is an exercise in cynicism on the part of MS and the OEM's. The OEM's will never allow that dual boot since they don't want to lose the "MS Certified" sticker... if they do, it will be exploited by the other OEM's marketing/PR people. The gullible public couldn't care less... they only seek security.

on Jun 21, 2012

Not talking about installing Linux, talking about having XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 on the same PC, which they are saying cannot happen.

It certainly can, Tom. The "Transformer AiO" will boot to W8 and with the click of a button switch to Linux.

As for the other MS OS's? Don't know.

on Jun 21, 2012


Quoting LightStar, reply 6... I just think that forcing a user to use an OS based on hardware (even if it can be disabled) is the most disgusting thing I ever heard of...


Not an Apple fan either then I take it 


I wouldn't buy an Apple product if my life depended on it.

on Jun 21, 2012


Quoting LightStar, reply 10Not talking about installing Linux, talking about having XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 on the same PC, which they are saying cannot happen.

It certainly can, Tom. The "Transformer AiO" will boot to W8 and with the click of a button switch to Linux.

As for the other MS OS's? Don't know.


I know Doc, I was just trying to say I would never have any reason to install Linux, and if they block other MS OS's from being installed, then that's just another reason for me to never buy Windows 8.

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