Does anyone know how to turn off the stupid titlebar text and the titlebar icons glow other than excluding the apps in WB? That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen.
Can you post a snap, LS? Do you mean the 'halo' around the caption text? Actually makes it a little easier to read here. Not sure what you mean by 'icons glow' - not seeing a similar icon 'halo' with Office 2010 skinned here (Primavera).
Tom I have tried everything I know of several times as a matter of fact. Never had any luck. I believe I asked Xiandi once and she told me it couldn't be done. Ther has to be something in Office that controls it.
Maybe Neil will pop in and advise.
OpenOffice and Libré Office.
Doc the title of the post is Office 2010 Titlebar Text Glow. I have tried to get rid of it forever Tom knows what I mean. I know about the other two programs but i'm use to Microsoft office so always use it and that glow is a pain.
I think this is what you mean LS...
Yeah Dave, it is. I learned to hate MS Office long ago. The glow is a pain, but the cost and inconvenience of MS Office killed it for me, long ago. So I adopted alternatives that cost nothing and had no problems. I understand you want to solve it. I hope you can. Not betting on it, though.
The fact you can't even exclude it from skinning is more than an annoyance. It tells you who owns your PC. And I never "learned to love" that ribbon.
Well, as I am a Microsoft Technet subscriber cost is not an issue for me Doc. That glow like is really a pain waxplay3r shows is really annoying to a skinner. I actually get that same glow on the icons over at the top left of the program in the titlebar also, and when you are doing a dark skin with light text... well lets just say yuck! Thanks for trying to help everyone, guess I will just have to live with it.
If I exclude all the Office 10 apps in WB the glow goes away and the titlebar looks good for me, but any dialog that comes up shows as windows classic. I can live with that better than that awful glow.
Microsoft Office decides where and how the titlebar text is drawn and they opted for a glow effect to ensure it is seen against all colours of titlebars.
Yeah, but not if your titlebar text is a light color in your WB, then you see almost nothing but the stupid glow.
Yeah, forces you to use a dark text color, but c'est la vie. Not only are you stuck with that 'glow', you can't modify the default text in the caption: the registry 'heals itself' every time you try to change or delete it. Was doable with prior versions, but the 'non-commercial use' and '[Compatibility Mode]' text items are there to stay with 2010.
I run MS Office Home & Office 2010 (32-bit) on Windows Home Premium x64 (W7x64) with Norton Internet Security 2012 (NIS).
In Aero mode I do see the glow, while in Basic and Classic mode there is no glow.
I do have Window Blinds, and am looking for help with Black Opaque Titlebars (in Aero mode, but no translucent Titlebars -- just black opaque ones). I would love to turn off the glow and make the Titlebar text a bright color against the black opaque background.
Does anyone know how to control Titlebar text color, even though the glow cannot be turned off under any combination of transparency, color intensity, and color mixture? This would help me read Titlebars on my 1080p widescreen display in positions other than screen-dead-center.
Microsoft Office controls its own titlebar colors, nothing you can do about it except to exclude the specific application from being skinned in Windowblinds settings.
You think MS-Office controls the caption textglow "telling you who owns your PC" is something.....
-Just you wait til Win 8 is released, THEN you got something to complain about