WB skins from LightStar Technologies!

If you use the Explore Features in the Recently Featured area of the site, sorted by Recently Featured and a Page Size of 60, you get skins on page one dating back to 1999 (several without thumbnail images) through 2009 (58 pages).  I would imagine that is not supposed to work that way right? 

on Nov 16, 2010

Lightstar broke WC. 

I'm telling!

on Nov 16, 2010

Many, many things have broken WC Doc, but I had nothing to do with it, honest!

So does anyone at Stardock/WC actually sit down and spend time looking at each and every aspect of the site to make sure it works correctly?  Because that is what it will take to fix all the issues.  You have to test everything, and I do mean everything.

on Nov 16, 2010

I still miss the old site, outdated yes, but worked so good, and did what you wanted or needed it to

on Nov 16, 2010

Lightstar broke WC

I hear Jeapordy calling. Don't forget to answer with a question.


on Nov 16, 2010

If you use the Explore Features in the Recently Featured area of the site, sorted by Recently Featured and a Page Size of 60, you get skins on page one dating back to 1999 (several without thumbnail images) through 2009 (58 pages). I would imagine that is not supposed to work that way right?

You know, I think it's been that way since the new site launch.

So does anyone at Stardock/WC actually sit down and spend time looking at each and every aspect of the site to make sure it works correctly?

That is one of many things that make ya go hmmmmm when browsing this site