Started on a new skin as soon as I finished Purity, comments would be nice! Thanks.
Gonna have fun with this one!
Nice Tom....Look forward to this, also enjoying Purity
It looks awesome
Thanks Skinhit and BX!
Is it wrong to evaluate all skins with eye for "[X] texture would look awesome with that"?
I really like the wall. Skin will be great.
vStyler ponders a way to make his skins unthirdpartytexturable
Nice lookin skin Tom, great wall too!
Thanks Zubaz and John, definitely no textures though.
Main screenshot update folks.. moving right along!
Nice skin
Just wondering about the start button, is it the ubuntu studio icon (I run this on one of my computers), they look very similar.
Yep, sure is, but it is only a temp for now.
or you could change the theme name
Very impressive, Tom
Is it wrong to evaluate a picasso with an eye for what frame it would look good in? Just a redneck question.....
I like it too....picasso.
thats looking really clean and nice on my eyes...i like it..colors are calming
Beautiful skin, lightstar...
Or, you could keep the start button... and change the name to... Blubuntu!