WB skins from LightStar Technologies!
Published on October 14, 2013 By LightStar In Personal Computing

Well, after many years of using Firefox, I had to get rid of it and I guess I'll use IE until I find something better. It seems Firefox has been crashing systems with a BSOD since at least version 20.  People have complained in the forums, but no one at Mozilla seems to care evidently. My system has crashed 10 times now while using Firefox, and if the creators apparently aren't going to fix it, I am not going to use it.

Anyone else getting BSOD's when using Firefox (v20-v24) on Windows 7?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 14, 2013

Firefox has become very unstable over the years, particularly with the unfortunately ubiquitously-necessary Java and Macromedia plugins.  I've had lots of browser crashes, a few BSODs and often a lot of lag and unresponsiveness.


Webmasters gripe about ad blockers, but most flash ads are super-bloated and buggy to the point of crashing Firefox a lot, and its even creeped in a bit to the same plugins on Chrome sadly, though nowhere near as bad as Firefox (and thus I tend to default to using Chrome).

on Oct 14, 2013

Chrome's been my default for sometime now. Still have FF v24 and it seems stable. Last time I used it there were no problems even viewing pages here. 

on Oct 15, 2013

Firefox has become very unstable over the years... a few BSODs

Usermode software on modern versions of Windows cannot directly cause a BSOD. If it can, then that's a bug/vulnerability in the kernel or drivers. BSODs tend to pretty universally be due to driver bugs or hardware faults.

on Oct 15, 2013

What kryo said.

I became quite adept at BSODs over the years....I could crash anything....usually by toying with shells...

on Oct 15, 2013

I let the smoke out......once.


on Oct 15, 2013

I became quite adept at BSODs over the years....I could crash anything....usually by toying with shells..




on Oct 15, 2013

not bsod. but my firefox has been crash happy for quite a while now (months?) .... maybe to do with that reloadplus.... or maybe something else entirely

on Oct 15, 2013

Well, I ran complete and extensive memory checks on my PC, both system memory and video memory, and there were no errors at all. Since I reinstalled Firefox fresh yesterday I have noticed a lot of improvements and fixes in areas where I was having issues before. So I guess every so often it might be a good idea to uninstall it, run a registry cleaner, and then reinstall with the latest version rather than totally relying on updates. I also turned off the hardware acceleration and I have had no crashes or BSOD's since. I also turn off hardware acceleration in IE. Here's hoping all is well!

on Oct 15, 2013

before to Standby or Hibernate the OS always close Firefox (my restart after the Standby is only lasting 20 seconds well spent)

daily check this page http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/ and keep all the plugins updated

and ... if you like the Tabs Previews resting on a Dock (autohide) use my new Stylish style http://userstyles.org/styles/94040/topsidebar-tabspreview-dock

BTW only on Firefox !


on Oct 15, 2013

Thanks for the info frankell, I already keep all my add-ons up to date though. Not too sure about the dock, I am really basically a minimalist kinda guy. Nice looking though!

on Oct 15, 2013

I am really basically a minimalist kinda guy. Nice looking though!

Myopia runs rampant through his genes....

on Oct 15, 2013

OK, had another BSOD, and using the WhoCrashed software Jim recommended it showed it being caused by my video drivers. So then I rolled back the drivers and installed the latest drivers from nVidia for my GTX560 cards, turned on SLI, and then re-enabled hardware acceleration in Firefox and IE since that evidently wasn't it. Now we shall wait and see ...

on Oct 16, 2013

Quoting Chibiabos, reply 16Firefox has become very unstable over the years... a few BSODs

Usermode software on modern versions of Windows cannot directly cause a BSOD. If it can, then that's a bug/vulnerability in the kernel or drivers. BSODs tend to pretty universally be due to driver bugs or hardware faults.

Except I only got them using Firefox watching live streaming video, and got several of them per day.

Watching the same video streaming (from the same streaming sites) on Chrome, I did not incur BSODs.

on Oct 16, 2013

I also am using Pale Moon x64 . I have Google also but it runs much slower than Pale Moon. Google sometimes does not load web pages correctly, but that is on my system, not everyone has same problem , Firefox in the past crashed quite a few times than I found Pale Moon and it runs flawlessly on my PC , but like I said before not everyone will have the same result on there PC. If your running 64bit you could try these Waterfox, Cyberfox, or maybe Nightly. I have tried them all and they seem to work great with Windows 7 64bit O.S Hope you find the problem alot of times it is something simple at-least in my case .

on Oct 16, 2013

Except I only got them using Firefox watching live streaming video, and got several of them per day.

Watching the same video streaming (from the same streaming sites) on Chrome, I did not incur BSODs.

The firefox media plugins could be making slightly different calls and hitting some bug in the hardware video acceleration. It's impossible to say without actually looking at the BSOD, but the fact remains that FF can't be causing it directly.

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