WB skins from LightStar Technologies!

For those of you who were forced to change over to the inferior messenger product called Skype, here is a way to get Windows Live Messenger back, and it works absolutely great!



It says it will keep Live working for at least a year... but by then maybe Microsoft will come to their senses.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 25, 2013

not sure if love / hate is what I would use, but I did like messenger better. I will have to give skype more of a chance to get used to before I use hate.

Very nice find though 

on Apr 25, 2013

If Skype had better longing and handled online messaging better, i.e. both people do not have to be online in order for a message to be sent, I would say it's a superior platform to MSN. That being said, there is only 1-2 people that I even talked to on MSN, and that is infrequently at best, versus my constant usage of Skype. Can't say I'm personally bummed over this as a result.

on Apr 25, 2013

Someone fix Yahoo Messenger and I'll go back to it.

on Apr 26, 2013

I stopped using Mass-anger years ago.....Skype rules!

on Apr 26, 2013

Doesn't work....... 


on Apr 26, 2013

I still have messenger installed and have yet to be forced to install skype.

on Apr 26, 2013


I still have messenger installed and have yet to be forced to install skype.

on Apr 26, 2013

 I still have skype installed and have yet to be forced to install messenger.     

on Apr 27, 2013

I still have ICQ installed and.....





on Apr 27, 2013

I did use Live for awhile, but never bothered reinstalling it since I don't have my own computer with internet access, I used it on my parents' computer since my brother also uses it. I only got Skype a few weeks ago in order to attend meetings with my team for Senior Project at DeVry, without even doing video meetings. I am not the best judge of social media and messaging services, because I only infrequently use them (I am on Facebook but rarely use it) and I am not even in the internet on consoles age yet (Halo 4 has convinced me to rectify that asap).

on Apr 27, 2013


on Apr 27, 2013

I still have ICQ installed and.....





Yes, ICQ these days is amazing.

I left it for years after it was wrecked, but the new one is absolutely superb.

on Apr 27, 2013

Thanks Tom! Worked like a charm!

on Apr 27, 2013

   he he.... Tom's a hero...      thanks....  

on Apr 27, 2013

Yes, ICQ these days is amazing.

I left it for years after it was wrecked, but the new one is absolutely superb.

Actually...I was sort of....joking....wasn't aware ICQ was even still around.....used to skin it, too...


I DO HAVE the old SDC installed still....

...and Impulse....

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