WB skins from LightStar Technologies!

Well, I am a bit too old for this, but I love the idea!



Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 09, 2013

Quite cool... but, you're needed. Those modules need SERIOUS skinning, my friend! 

on Jan 09, 2013

Well lets see, 2023. I may already be out in space by that time so I will pass on my training requirements. Actually what I see going on in this World now makes me feel at times I'm already on another World. Mars may even be better.

on Jan 09, 2013

Quite cool... but, you're needed. Those modules need SERIOUS skinning, my friend! 


You know, you're absolutely right Doc! Kind of bland, aren't they? 


on Jan 09, 2013


Quoting DrJBHL, reply 1Quite cool... but, you're needed. Those modules need SERIOUS skinning, my friend! 


You know, you're absolutely right Doc! Kind of bland, aren't they? 


Special for Master Tom...



on Jan 09, 2013

They are in serious need of other work too. How 'bout this.........we sic all the Masters on 'em! They'll never know what hit 'em!

I'd go but they'd consider me too spaced out already.

on Jan 09, 2013

They are all going to die.

on Jan 09, 2013

on Feb 04, 2013

Stipulation: I have to be able to pick my 3 Co-Expatriated Martians from the pool of applicants!

One on one interviews would be required 

Please tell me the government is not funding this  

on Feb 04, 2013

Somebody's got to feet the bill.

on Feb 04, 2013

I've always wanted to live on Mars.

on Feb 04, 2013

^ lol. You do. 

on Feb 04, 2013

You know...it just might be possible. Over in China there's this guy selling cans of clean air. We could buy up all the clean air and take it to Mars then crack 'em open. Wallah! Instant atmosphere!

on Feb 04, 2013

You guys never remember anything, no wonder you always look like you are lost.  Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.  Write it down this time for future reference. 

on Feb 04, 2013

Did anybody see the results of the simulated mission to mars? Apathy and other sociological disorders set it pretty rapidly.

on Feb 04, 2013

[quote who="Dr.Gonzo" reply="14" id="3316643"]Did anybody see the results of the simulated mission to mars? Apathy and other sociological disorders set it pretty rapidly.[/quote]


I didn't really care.

2 Pages1 2